Powerful with style

“Controluce” - Colli Bolognesi doc Bologna Rosso

Soil> well balanced clay and loam
Vineyards age> 2000, 2008
Density> 3,2 x 1 m ; 2,75 x 0,80 m
Yield> 6 tons / ha
Agriculture management> difesa integrata avanzata, reasoned agriculture

Grapes> Cabernet Sauvignon 100% from our highest vineyard facing north east, dominating the plains (great view up to Bologna city center). Accurate pruning and shoots selection. Hand picked early october in plastic crates, with grapes selection at first glance.
Fermented with its own natural wild east. Goes through batonage and delestage, maceration with skins lasts at least 25 days After malolactic fermentation, wine is aged in French woods from different forests for 12-16 months. Long refining in bottles.

Distinguishing characteristics> Powerful and fruity, with style and elegance. Body and structure, along with smooth tannins. A high class wine, perfect for a great dinner, especially with important meats (steak, grilled meat) or cheese.

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